Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Target and Garrr, Part I

The "garrs" have spoken: International Talk Like a Pirate Day has won as the Best Non-Major Holiday. I'll make sure I remind ye all when the day arrives, mateys. Speaking of speaking, if you go to and click on "Preferences," in the language menu you can choose such languages as "Elmer Fudd" and "Pig Latin." Also, a new poll is now in place.

As for the "Target" part of the title, I wish I had time right now to tell you what happened there last night. Hopefully soon I can fill you in.


Christi said...

I think foofaraw sounds the funniest, but razzlefrazzle is the most fun to say. I have always wanted to live in a town that had a fun name to Throckmorton. :) smiles...

Anonymous said...

I like "razzlefrazzle" because I can hear Bill Cosby saying something like that, like introducing a new flavor of Jello.

Travis said...

Whereas I'm not a vain, showy, fellow, I'm a big fan of coxcomb. But I think that word came out of the Hinterland, or is that just an attempt to pull a razzlefrazzle on us? I would continue with this foofaraw, but my hackles are up just contemplatin such an idea...

Alison Bryant said...

Gee, I never meant to be a hackles conjurer. Or maybe I did.

Christi: How'd you like to live in Pflugerville?

Schizzleshazzle: Methinks I recognize the timbre of your comments. By chance are you a customer at Les White Music in Abilene?

Christi said...

Pflugerville would definitely fit the criteria... LOL!

Anonymous said...

Why yes, I buy all my 80's music at Less White's. However, their offering doesn't have much beat to it. They should offer MORE variety, like...

Alison Bryant said...

So are you going to finish that sentence? Perhaps instead you'd like to go drink some Haaaaahhhhht Chocolate.