In case you're following the haiku fandango this week, you've probably noticed that new ones haven't appeared the last couple of days. I wish I had some interesting reason, like uncovering a local underground mime ring... or threats from a rival haiku-writing blog (which I suspect is related to the Van Buren Boys, for those of you who of know them). Nope, it has just been things like work and dilated eyes. Anyway, I'll post a plethora of haikus later today. Stay tuned!
I've been absent too
sorry to have been missing
but i suck at this
I'm no haiku-er
I've been playing too much Wii
it's Nintendo's fault
Dynomite explodes
watch it blow us to smytherines
I should'f stayed in bed.
Good evening...
Wow, I am blown away with the range of haiku-etry here. (Of course, you knew this was coming:) In the words of the immortal sage Jimmie J. Walker, "Dy-no-miiite!"
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