Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Pickles and Gravy

I've always wanted to name a cat "Pickles." Don't ask me why.

Well, okay, here's why: It's such a funny word and would be a funny name, don't you think? It would be a tongue-twister to say quickly, though. "Heeeeere, Pickles, Pickles, Pickles..." Anyway, speaking of funny names...then came the day that I had a cat named "Gravy." He had long, cream-colored fur, just the color of chicken-fried steak gravy. Very appropriate name, and I was reasonably sure that no one would copy me when naming their cat.

...And as I was petting Gravy, the weirdest thing happened that I've kept a secret until now: I was an undercover p.i. with all of Magnum's buddies, scuba diving to find clues and solving all kinds of crimes. But it came to a sudden end when the tour we were taking halted abruptly in front of Sanford & Son's house.

Then (you guessed it) I woke up. What? You mean that didn't sound believable?

All of the above are parts of several weird dreams I've had. All, except for the fact that I want to name a cat "Pickles." And I will someday, mark my words. In the meantime I'll just enjoy my odd trips to Dreamland. ...But surely some of you would also like to share your weird/funny dreams, right?

I can almost guarantee that tomorrow I'll have another funny dream to share from tonight.


Christi said...

LOL! I don't even know where to go with this...

So I will start with the cat names. I like the name Pickles, but then again, I had a cat named Twix so I may not be your best advisor...

The other areas I don't feel qualified to comment on until I have had some coffee...LOL!

Travis said...

My strangest dream? Hmm. That might take a minute.

I'm certain that my little cat, the illustrious G. Gordon Kitty, would love to play with Pickles. Actually, he would probably try to dominate him. (sorry, Smokey).

My strangest dream.... I would have to say that I can narrow it down to maybe three. Don't worry, I won't overwhelm you with all of them. Once, I drempt that I was a spy, who tagged whales with special underwater cameras that observed communist submarines. Does that count?

Anonymous said...

hmmm.... My weirdest dream was probably the one when King Kong was destroying the cul-de-sac end of the street I lived on. He wasn't very efficient, and it took him about 4 hours to make it through the eight houses seperating us from him. Of course, I never thought of running because I knew he was faster (I could never escape from a monster who can destroy two whole houses in our hour!)

Well, I accepted the fact that I was going to die, and right before he stepped through my house, I was saved when I was abducted by aliens.

Fun, scary, awesome dream from when I was probably 14.

Anonymous said...

I once had a dream that I was a good looking guy who could dance. Wait...that really happened.

I guess my strangest dream was that I was a little brown field mouse. And I was being chased by kosher cat.

Alison Bryant said...

Verrrry interestingk. Should I try to analyze zee dreams?
By the way, Daniel, what in the world is a "kosher cat"?

And just as I thought, my dreams came through for me Tuesday night. I always dream funny things when I'm away from home: I went on a cruise with Courtney, my friend, and a few others. The huge cruise ship was the color and shape of a canoe--pretty neat. The ship was shorthanded on waiters, waitresses, and housekeepers, so even the captain and his wife subbed in those roles. I felt sorry for them, so I did, too.
Random thought: Do you ever go back to a city or place you haven't been to in a while, and it triggers all kinds of forgotten memories? I was in a town this week where the last time I was there was under very different circumstances. That may not make sense, but it was kind of odd.

I think some of you are holding back on the weird dreams.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I have brilliant dreams. They are so spectacular that I always want to write them down...then as soon as I pick up a pencil, pen or computer keyboard...it's gone. Too much coffee and fun dip, I think. ;)

And we have a cat named Mixie, so you and Christi aren't that weird.