Thursday, January 10, 2008

3,650 Days

Today is our 10th wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary, David! Ten years ago today (hard to believe...time has passed so quickly!), I was a happy, excited bride. What an amazing day shared with lots of family and friends.
Of course, I'll be saying all of these things to you in person, David, but I also want everyone to know how much I love, appreciate, admire, and respect you. You are truly an amazing man who loves God and loves me beyond what I could've imagined. I only hope to be the best wife and friend that I can be for you.
(Thanks, readers, for indulging me today!)


Christi said...

actually it should be 3652 or 3653 days adding leap years. :p

Happy Anniversary, guys!!! smiles...

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary to you both! I remember your wedding and so many special friends and family there to witness such a great union!
David, I'm proud to call you my brother-in-law!

Christi said...

you have a little something on my blog.... smiles!

Alison Bryant said...

Thanks, sisters. =)
And as for the leap years...well, I'm not known for my math skills. I'm not a fan of exactness, except in my household bookkeeping. In that case, I', particular I guess would be a kind-to-myself way of putting it. hee hee

Anonymous said...

Late again. (Pronounced like Bill Cosby, with a long A. Don't know why. ;) Here goes...4 days late.

Happy anniversary, happy anniversary, happy anniversary, haaaaaapppppy anniversary!